Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the topic of “What I am proud of doing in my work OR my study”.Note: Choose only one to write about.Your writing may be based on the Chinese outline give below:
What I am proud of doing in my study
As a student, the most remarkable thing I ever remembered is doing chemical experiments. This is also what I am proud of doing in my study. I cherish every chance when there is a time for doing experiments. The reasons may be listed as the following.
To begin with, doing chemical experiments is a good way to deepen my understanding of what I have learned in my chemistry class. Learning science is absolutely different from learning humanistic subjects. It emphasizes more on the application of book knowledge. When doing experiments, I am happy to check the knowledge in my textbook during the process of experiment and it is in this process that I developed a strong interest in chemistry and laid a solid foundation for my further study. Secondly, doing experiments is beneficial for developing a strict and precise attitude toward science. I should be extreme careful when designing experiments because no small mistakes are allowed, otherwise I cannot obtain the expected results. Besides, since it is very easy for various chemical elements to react when mixed together, I should decide the precise amount used in experiments. All these contribute to develop a strict mind.
To conclude, doing chemical experiments is the most rewarding experiences in my study. I am proud of the ability in doing experiments.