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甜蜜得有點暈頭轉向的女孩,在向她的閨中密友傾訴著對即將到來的約會的期待:他就是我的夢中情人,他很棒,這樣的男孩可不是天天都能碰上的。我該穿連衣裙配高跟鞋還是穿那條藍色牛仔褲出去呢?……德國天后莎拉-康娜(Sarah Connor)2003年專輯《難以置信》(Unbelievable)中的主打歌曲。
He is unbelievable
Oh, he's Unbelievable
So tonight I'm gonna get him got a rendezvous at seven
Faire l'amour toujours, so funny. Wanna spend all of this money
Should I wear a dress and high heels? Should I go out in my blue jeans?
He's the boy I met in my dreams. And I tell you girls: He's unbelievable
Sisters, only sometimes
You can meet the kind of boy who will always give you joy
Then grab him, never let him. Take him deep into your world
Be aware of their girls. He's so unbelievable
Finally it is me, see me happy. Today I have found him
He's the boy of my dreams and he's unbelievable
Brothers, only mothers
have the right to decide what is wrong or what is right
But you maybe find a baby who is no the kind of girl
To fit in your mother's world. He's so unbelievable
Ain't a doubt shout it out that you love her
Only such a tough guy could become my only one 'cause he's unbelievable
Sharp dressed you may face your rendezvous
Depressed if he's not good looking too. Maybe he's a lazy kind of lad
Don't forget he could turn into a prince in bed
Be sure that he's standing by your side. Cowards are a waste of time
Get it on if he's always on your mind. But avoid being love-blind
Look out for his sensitivity
Check out if he knows just what it means
To give everything that a lady needs
To prove that his love is pretty real
Some guys only show their sex appeal
And who knows why the lord had made them
If you think he's the right guy fall in love
If he's not keeping your hands off
Supernatural things will happen. I can call you at eleven
I will tell you every detail if he's worth it or if he failed
But I know he drives me crazy and I want to have his baby
So you must excuse me, ladies. Did I tell you that he's unbelievable?
1980年Sarah Connor出生在德國的一個小鎮上,據說因為是祖父的奧爾良血統,使她14歲便開始在教堂的唱詩班擔任演唱,然后又在父母的安排下學習正統的聲樂訓練,企圖成為一名歌劇女演員,還在學校的舞臺上出演舞臺劇、音樂劇。似乎當時的Sarah Connor即將走上古典道路,但是出于對流行歌曲的熱愛,她終于還是選擇了更能夠親近大眾的音樂路線。
2001年春季,Sarah Connor以挑動情欲的處女單曲《Let’s Get Back To The Bed Boy》,綻放狂野性格,歌曲強勢占領德國排行榜亞軍,并揮軍直入歐陸各國排行榜TOP 10,搶攻歐洲流行單曲榜TOP 15;第二首單曲《French Kissing》轉而釋放靈魂樂的性感魅力,同年底改走情歌路線,推出感人戀曲《From Sarah With Love》成績益發耀眼,光在德國就賣出75萬張,歌曲輕易摘下德國榜冠軍后座,竄登歐洲Music & Media排行榜TOP 5,并在瑞典與奧地利創造金唱片開出銷售紅盤;緊接著首張大碟《Green Eyed Soul》更上層樓,不但直襲德國專輯榜亞軍,也攻克荷蘭、波蘭、芬蘭、葡萄牙、希臘等國排行TOP 10,2002年3月,Sarah Connor獲頒德國樂壇最高榮耀的Echo音樂獎最佳流行搖滾女歌手大獎,稍后更勇奪Goldene Europe音樂獎最成功女歌手獎。
美國嘻哈大將Wyclef Jean耳聞Sarah歌唱魅力,特地跨刀制作譜寫并合唱一曲《One Nite Stand(Of Wolves And Sheep)》,Sarah Connor已然躋身全球節奏藍調歌后之林。
2003年進軍國際樂壇的大碟《Unbelievable》展露Sarah Connor多樣化的流行節奏藍調風情,從純情動人的《Skin On Skin》、挑戰Toni Braxton抒情唱功的凄美戀曲《From Sarah With Love》、與嘻哈大將Wyclef Jean交手的激爆火辣風情力作《One Nite Stand(Of Wolves And Sheep)》、放克艷情勁奏《He’s Unbelievable》、抒情創作才女Diane Warren執筆的挑情動感之作《I Wanna Touch U There》、彌漫都會浪漫情調的《The Loving Permission》、散發復古節奏藍調哀情小品《Where Did You Sleep Last Nite?》、街舞勁歌《Bounce》、《That’s The Way I’m》、《Sweet Thang》到節奏藍調美聲情歌《1 1=2》、《Beautiful》,她那收放自如的情感唱腔馬上就要征服你的聽覺世界了。
天后歌詞 陳勢安08-07