1891年,處在寫作生涯巔峰期的王爾德遇見了阿爾弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),兩人很快成為了同性戀人。四年后,因為這段“不敢說出名字的愛”,王爾德被判“有傷風化”罪而入獄。在獄中,王爾德開始反思從前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意義,藝術(shù)和愛的真諦,最終將那些痛苦的淚水都化作優(yōu)美而深沉的文字,寫成了這封名為"de profundis"(從深處)的長信。
作者簡介:奧斯卡·王爾德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英國維多利亞時代著名作家,“唯美主義運動”的領(lǐng)軍人物,倡導“為藝術(shù)而藝術(shù)”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戲劇《莎樂美》(Salome)《認真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童話《快樂王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜鶯與玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),小說《道連·格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及書信《自深深處》(De Profundis)等。
It did not occur to me then that you could have the supreme vice, shallowness. Indeed, itwas a real grief to me when I had to let youknow that I was obliged to reserve for familybusiness my first opportunity of receiving aletter: but my brother-in-law had written to meto say that if I would only write once to my wifeshe would, for my own sake and for ourchildren’s sake, take no action fordivorce. I feltmy duty was to do so. Setting aside otherreasons, I could not bear the idea of beingseparated from Cyril, that beautiful, loving,loveable child of mine, my friend of all friends,my companion beyond all companions, onesingle hair of whose little golden head shouldhave been dearer and of more value to me than,I will not merely say you from top to toe, butthe entire chrysolite of the wholeworld. was so indeed to me always,though I failed to understand it till too late.
我那時沒想到,你會有這一大惡——浮淺。我當時真的很傷心,但又不得不告訴你,第一次讓我收信的機會,因為只能收一封,只好留給有關(guān)我家事的信。我妻子的兄弟來信說,只要我給她寫一次信,她就會因為我和我們孩子的緣故,不興訟離婚。我感到有責任這樣做。其它理由不說,一想到要同西里爾分開我就受不了。我那漂亮、會疼人又招人疼的孩子,我所有朋友中的朋友、我一切伙伴中的伙伴,他那小小腦袋滿頭金發(fā)中的一根, 對我來說都比,不用說從頭到腳的你了,都比普天下的寶石還寶貴——確實一直都是這樣的,只是等我明白時已太晚了。
【舉例】I was obliged to call the police.我不得不報了警。
We are obliged to you for dinner.感謝你請我們吃飯。
【舉例】All rights reserved.版權(quán)所有
seats reserved for the old and sick老人和病人專座
I have reserved two tickets for tonight's show.我訂了兩張今晚的戲票。
3、set aside把……置于一旁;不理會;撤銷;宣布……無效
【舉例】Let's set aside our personal feelings.讓我們拋開個人恩怨。
He set all our objections aside.他無視了我們的反對意見。
The judge set aside the decision of the lower court.法官撤銷了下級法院的判決。