六一兒童節英文主持詞 1
老:尊敬的各位家長 ,各位來賓。
Old: dear parents,distinguished guests.
Boy: dear kids.
All right.!
Old: warm sunshine,attractive flowers,smiling smiles,excited chest.
Boy: even the grass is singing in joy,everything is reminding us:
A: Childrens Day -- to
Old: in June,the fragrance of the flowers and wheat fragrance will be a good aspiration of the transmission
Girl: she quietly,quietly lingering in my ears,reverberate in my heart.
老:她對我說,幸福的孩子啊,展開你如花的笑靨吧,你知道,成長中的歡笑凝聚著多少人的心血 。她對我說,快樂的孩子啊,你可曾擁有一顆感恩之心,你知道,世界上有多少孩子渴望和你一樣健康快樂,能體會到愛的甘甜。
Old: she to me said,happy children ah,you of flower smile,you know,growing laughter embodies the painstaking efforts of many people. She said to me,happy child ah,you can have a heart of gratitude,you know,how many children in the world to be as healthy and happy as you can experience the sweet love.
Boy: dear kids,today is our holiday.. Today is the worlds childrens festival.
Old: in this beautiful moment,let me on behalf of the kindergarten faculty staff to the children to send festive greetings. Children in the nursery a day to grow,all this can not leave the majority of parents to our support,here we express heartfelt thanks.
Old: six one flowers blew six one of the sunlight shining!
Boy: with the flowers in June,facing the rising sun;
Old: we have a joyous gathering,sharing this wonderful time!
孩:我們是那么開心 我們是那么幸福 我們是那么激動 我們是那么期盼
Boy: we are so happy we are so happy we are so excited we are so looking forward to
Old: happy,happy,excited,looking forward to the Yuhua Road Nursery celebration six one activities,
Co: now start!
First please the principal to holiday congratulations
老:是綠洲的甘泉和沃土,滋養了纖細的幼苗 是老師、爸爸媽媽的無私情懷,孕育了無數未來的希望 。
Old: is the oasis and oasis soil,nourish the delicate seedlings is a teacher,mom and dads selfless feelings,gave birth to the myriad of hope for the future.
孩:感謝您,敬愛的老師 感謝您,親愛的爸爸媽媽 感謝您,幫我們邁好人生的第一步
Boy: Thank you,dear teacher,thank you,dear mom and Dad,thank you,to help us take a good step in life.
Lets say: teacher,mom and Dad,thank you!
Old: please enjoy the graduation poem read aloud "quietly"
Old: thanks for their wonderful performances. Happy childrens day,our passion to sing,listen to the jingle bells,we merry mood,look,percussion sound,we more elegant dance,please enjoy the P2 class dance "Jingle Bells"
孩::六一國際兒童節,是小朋友盼望已久的節日 。
Child:: Six One International Childrens day,is a childs long-awaited holiday.
Old: in the deep and shallow dream,61 are soft,she accompanied by sophora flower fragrance quietly; in grows,the more concentrated the memory,61 are sweet,she in the children eagerly look forward to,pleased appointment
Boy: next please enjoy the freshman class India dance,according to the Mei hi hi.
Old: XXX in this happy festival,what do you want to say to the kids?
Boy: I want to say: I wish children a happy holiday! Children,you happy? (happy!)
Old: please enjoy a small class for everybody dance "and happiness together"
Boy: little children,no worries,eyes look around the sun
Old letaotao: be light of heart from care in a year,time once a year
Boy: the young man in a year a long high,quality education to the foundation from childhood
Old: please enjoy the shift children show dance: "forward"
Old: sing! Let us express our love with sweet songs..
Boy: jump! Let us with a wonderful danceshow our style.
Please enjoy the song "two sisters" military class
Boy: childhood is a song,jumping with the wonderful notes. Childhood is a poem,full of fantasy and vision,please enjoy the little three classes of children performing dance "loud singing"
Child: teacher of our meticulous care,record forever in our hearts,the teacher of our love,always in our hearts,in this beautiful day,teachers with their dance for us to celebrate the festival,please enjoy the dance the dance of youth "
Child: seven color light,seven color light,let us together fly away,let us open the door of wisdom,work together to create a friendship,please enjoy the P2 class dance "seven color light"
Old: thanks for their wonderful performances. Beat the rhythm of the festival,with a smile we decorate,the pace of flying,let the song lead us through. Please enjoy a song "Seasons" painting class
Boy: here,we enter the door of the music. Here,we realize Orffs musical thought,here we listen to the sounds of the music. Here,we explore the elements of music,please enjoy the little three kids dance "my body"
老:風的輕柔,道不盡人間深深的愛,我們的世界是一個愛的世界 就讓隱形的翅膀帶著感恩的心去散播我們所有的愛吧,請欣賞小一班帶來的手語舞《隱形的翅膀》
Old: the gentle wind,endless deep love in the world,our world is a world of love let the invisible wings with a grateful heart to spread all of our love,please enjoy the small class of sign language dance "invisible wings"
Old: bathed in gentle,we ushered in the green willows. Flowers in June,is the most beautiful season
Boy: in our own festival,let us enjoy the joy of it. Next please enjoy the dance class in a "good luck"
Boy: happy time always passes quickly
Old: in the beautiful song,we are about to end todays program; in the cheerful melody,we ushered in the new expectations.
Child: beautiful childhood will leave us a good memory,together wish children have a beautiful childhood!
Old: Yuhua Road Nursery celebrate "61" Arts Festival here ended! Let us once again with warm applause to the kids,I would like to extend seasons greetings.
I: Thank you. Lets get together next year.!
六一兒童節英文主持詞 2
Teacher: dear parents,ladies and gentlemen,dear friends.
Young: Dear teachers.
Together: Good morning everyone!
Teacher: in June,is a season full of hope.
Young: June,is the song flying season.
Teacher: six one flowers blew.
Young: six one of sunlight brilliant.
Teacher: today,we bathed in gentle,is about to usher in the June floral liulv.
Young: today,we with blessing and hope,here have a joyous gathering.
A: to celebrate the 2018 International Childrens Day is coming!
Teacher: here,all the teachers and students on behalf of the kindergarten,I wish a happy the whole city kids festival.
David: please,talk to my mom.
Teacher: Enlightenment kindergarten
A: now.
Teacher: please enjoy the following classes for us dance "off to a good start"
2 big kids show is really wonderful,Bens younger brother and sister also unwillings to lag behind,a jump to type,applause to welcome them as we bring the dance "two calves"
3 has just gone two calves,we ushered in a lovely big red bean. Happy red beans,please enjoy the "second class"
4 see their lovely dance,just great,our kids have to add to the atmosphere for your holiday,please enjoy the "happy holiday"
The 5 song long,smiling faces,gr
randpa also laicourenao,grandpa also brought a gift,what is it? Please enjoy the song and dance drama "to pull out the radish",a small class children.
6 is a big turnip. After a lively dance,lets listen quietly by the Zhaoyu and Qi Jiayi for everyone to bring the song "Ningxia"
7 with a wonderful song,we have ushered in the lovely "angel",welcome them.
The 8 children are the future and hope of the motherland,let us sing the beautiful future. Here is the best future class two "appreciation"
9 really is too good,let us with warm applause to welcome in a class Song Yidan childrens solo "Tianzhu girl",welcome.
The 10 is a martial arts master ah,next is still dancing "friends"
11 in this festive day,the dog dog also laicourenao,please dog lose weight class two "appreciation"
12 accompanied by bursts of cheerful music,a group of innocent children will use the gongs and drums to celebrate the happy childhood. Please have the pre-school children,bring San Juban "six one music for us"
13 many of todays stars also came to our site,please enjoy the following their "childrens songs."
14. 我們不但要學習好科學知識,還要有強健的身體,下面是學前班小朋友的健美操《向前沖》,歡迎
14,we should not only learn scientific knowledge,but also have a strong body,below is the preschool children aerobics "forward",welcome
15. 下面請欣賞大班,學前班帶來的《跆拳道》
15 please enjoy large,taekwondo preschool brings ""
The 16 is wonderful,please enjoy the dance "Jasmine Flower"
17 it is a good day,both singing and dancing. The children are very good. Our teacher will show off,please enjoy the dance "good day"
Teacher: the happy time is always so short
Young: the reunion day always touched by people
Enlightenment kindergarten Renqing six one variety show to the end,thank you for your participation. Lets meet again next year.
六一兒童節英文主持詞 3
Teacher: dear parents,ladies and gentlemen,dear friends. 幼:尊敬的老師們。
Young: Dear teachers.
合:大家上午好! Together: Good morning everyone!
師:六月,是一個充滿希望的季節。 Teacher: in June,is a season full of hope.
Young: June,is the song flying season.
Teacher: si- one flowers blew.
Young: si- one of sunlight brilliant.
師:今天,我們沐浴著和風細雨,即將迎來柳綠花香的六月。 Teacher: today,we bathed in gentle,is about to usher in the June floral liulv. 幼:今天,我們帶著祝福和希望,在這里歡聚一堂。
Young: today,we with blessing and hope,here have a joyous gathering. 合:共同慶祝2009年六一國際兒童節的到來! A: to celebrate the 2009 International Childrens Day is coming! 師:在此,我代表啟蒙幼兒園的全體師生,祝全市的小朋友們節日快樂。
Teacher: here,all the teachers and students on behalf of the kindergarten,I wish a happy the whole city kids festival. 幼:下面請園長媽媽講話。
David: please,talk to my mom.
Teacher: Enlightenment kindergarten
A: now.
Teacher: please enjoy the following classes for us dance "off to a good start"
2 big kids show is really wonderful,Bens younger brother and sister also unwillings to lag behind,a jump to type,applause to welcome them as we bring the dance "two calves" 3.剛剛走了兩只小象,我們又迎來了可愛的大紅豆。下面請欣賞小二班的《幸福大紅豆》
3 has just gone two calves,we ushered in a lovely big red bean. Happy red beans,please enjoy the "second class" 4.看他們一個個可愛的舞姿,只是太棒了,我們中班的小朋友們也為自己的節日增添了氣氛,請欣賞《快樂的節日》
4 see their lovely dance,just great,our kids have to add to the atmosphere for your holiday,please enjoy the "happy holiday" 5.歌聲悠悠,張張笑臉,老爺爺也來湊熱鬧,老爺爺還帶了一個禮物,是什么呢?請欣賞歌舞劇《拔蘿卜》,表演者小一班小朋友。
The 5 song long,smiling faces,grrandpa also laicourenao,grandpa also brought a gift,what is it? Please enjoy the song and dance drama "to pull out the radish",a small class children. 6.是一個大蘿卜啊。熱鬧的歌舞過后,讓我們靜靜地聆聽由施瞾瑀和齊佳意為大家帶來的歌曲《寧夏》
6 is a big turnip. After a lively dance,lets listen quietly by the Zhaoyu and Qi Jiayi for everyone to bring the song "Ning-ia" 7.伴隨著美妙的歌聲,我們又迎來了可愛的《天使》,歡迎他們。 7 with a wonderful song,we have ushered in the lovely "angel",welcome them. 8.孩子是祖國的未來和希望,讓我們去歌唱美好的未來。下面請欣賞中二班的《最好的未來》
The 8 children are the future and hope of the motherland,let us sing the beautiful future. Here is the best future class two "appreciation" 9.真是太動聽了,下面我們用熱烈的掌聲歡迎中一班的宋一丹小朋友帶來的獨舞《天竺少女》,歡迎。
9 really is too good,let us with warm applause to welcome in a class Song Yidan childrens solo "Tianzhu girl",welcome. 10.都是武林高手啊,接下來是還是舞蹈《找朋友》
The 10 is a martial arts master ah,ne-t is still dancing "friends" 11.在這喜慶的日子里,小狗狗也來湊熱鬧了,請欣賞中二班的《狗狗減肥》
11 in this festive day,the dog dog also laicourenao,please dog lose weight class two "appreciation" 12.伴隨著陣陣歡快的音樂,一群天真無邪的小朋友將用鑼鼓來慶祝歡樂的童年。有請學前班的`小朋友,為我們帶來三句半《六一樂》
12 accompanied by bursts of cheerful music,a group of innocent children will use the gongs and drums to celebrate the happy childhood. Please have the pre-school children,bring San Juban "si- one music for us" 13.今天很多歌星也來到了我們現場,下面請大家欣賞他們的《兒歌串燒》
13 many of todays stars also came to our site,please enjoy the following their "childrens songs." 14. 我們不但要學習好科學知識,還要有強健的身體,下面是學前班小朋友的健美操《向前沖》,歡迎
14,we should not only learn scientific knowledge,but also have a strong body,below is the preschool children aerobics "forward",welcome 15. 下面請欣賞大班,學前班帶來的《跆拳道》
15 please enjoy large,taekwondo preschool brings "" 16.真是太精彩了,下面請欣賞舞蹈《小小茉莉花》
The 16 is wonderful,please enjoy the dance "Jasmine Flower" 17.今天真是個好日子,既有動聽的歌聲又有美妙的舞姿。小朋友們表現的都很好。我們的老師也要露一手,下面請欣賞舞蹈《好日子》
17 it is a good day,both singing and dancing. The children are very good. Our teacher will show off,please enjoy the dance "good day" 結束語: Conclusion:
Teacher: the happy time is always so short
Young: the reunion day always touched by people
Enlightenment kindergarten Renqing si- one variety show to the end,thank you for your participation. Lets meet again ne-t year.
六一兒童節英文主持詞 4
Moderator: chestnut quiet,Li Na,Wang Li,Liwoon Chi 1,the opening:
1 Chestnut: dear parents Li: Ladies and gentlemen: my dear little friends,2 Chestnut: hello!
1 Chestnut: the warm sunshine,seductive fragrance Lee: happy smile,excited chest King: even the grass in the joy of singing 2 Chestnut: all of this reminds us:
Common: Childrens Day - to 1 Chestnut: June,mixed with the scent of flowers and the wheat fragrant breeze will be a good wish to send Lee: she quietly,quietly lingered in my ears,echoed in my heart: she said to me,happy children ah,your smile like flower or,you know,growing up in laughter embody the efforts of the 2 Chestnut: she said to me,happy children ah,you can have a heart of Thanksgiving,you know,how much of the worlds children desire and you are healthy and happy,can feel the sweet love.
1 Chestnut: dear friends,today is your day Lee: today is childrens day all over the world Wang: in this beautiful moment,let us represent all the staff to kindergarten kids to extend holiday greetings: 2 chestnut warm welcome to all the parents,ladies and gentlemen. (applause): 1 chestnut from opening to now,our kindergarten environment constantly changing Li: teachers in the progressive,the children in the continuous progress of the correct leadership of the king: all this cannot do without the higher authorities,cannot do without the majority of parents and the community support: 2 chestnut in here we sincerely say: Thank Li 1: six one flowers blew!
Lee: six one sun shining!
Wang: on June flowers,facing the rising sun; Li 2: we have a joyous gathering,share the good times!
Chestnut 1: we are so happy Li: we are so happy Wang: we are so excited Li 2: we are so looking forward to 1 Chestnut: happy,happy,excited,looking forward to the kindergarten Renqing six one activities,now!
The first: Guns,the raising of the national flag,the National Anthem (please all rise) finish! Sit down,please.
Second: 1,first please,director of festive greeting,please parents on behalf of his speech,please teachers,art show now (a) Dance: "little farm girl"
Wang: "the bamboo fence,Petunia,shallow ponds with wild duck,curved Bay River around the mountain,the mountain has a small farm,wearing a bamboo hat ah barefoot,the river enjoy to play... "Look,a little farm girl light small foot up,please enjoy the following class children dance" little farm girl "
(two) the modern dance: "waves"
Wang: sing! Let us use the song to express the love of early childhood education.
Chestnut 2: jump! Let us with a wonderful dance show our artistic quality and spirit.
Wang: please enjoy the modern dance "Yang Zhuang Park kids show Talang".
(three): "the number song" dance
1 Chestnut: salutary influence of education,with all of their childhood,flying heart,fly through all the corner of Lee: let the sun all the heart full of golden ideals,let the wind put all the story with beautiful aperture 1 Chestnut: the small class of children although age small,but they are also used to dance to express happy childrens Day mood Lee: followed by small children to give you dance "the number song"
(four) the martial arts exercises: "Chinese Kung Fu"
Wang: dont look at our age is small,but we ambition high,from primary school on,grow up to defend the motherland 2 Chestnut: let us have a look the Wu Yi preschool high-strength children performing "Chinese Kung Fu"
(five) Aerobics: "pig eat bread"
Chestnut 1: little friends,do you like animal? There is no thought to the nature to look,and piglet rabbit friend Li: now let us go to have a look our friend piglet,OK?
Chestnut 1: please enjoy the Yang Zhuang Park kids show rhythmic gymnastics "pigs eat bread"
(six) Dance: "I not when you"
Wang: every child is the mother of the baby,like the dandelion,one day have to leave their parents alone fly: 2 chestnut,when mom and dad wasnt around,we should learn to protect themselves,please enjoy the big kids dance performances,"I not when you"
(seven) sign language dance: "spread your love"
Chestnut 1: six one happy,but in this world,there are a number of deaf children,because of poverty,there are many children cant as happy as children here have childrens day,even all dont fill the stomach...
Lee:,so,they dont hear you voice,but can feel your blessing in the distance,let us join hands,"spread your love".
(eight) the teacher: "pick beans" dance
Lee: little girl,with a basket basket,what pick peas?. Huang Doudou,white beans,red beans,black beans. A grain of beans is not lost,pick up into my basket. Please enjoy the teachers for the children to bring a very nice dance "pick beans"
(nine) Dance: "happy together" and
Chestnut 2: Six One "everywhere filled with laughter,we sing,we dance,each other to bring joy to render. You see,a group of happy baby. Please enjoy the dance "and bring us happiness together."
(ten): "the Convention" Rainbow dance
Wang: the rainbow is the hope of the agreement,the rainbow is the promise of happiness,let us agree,through childhood memories,please enjoy the Yuan Tang Park children brought us the "rainbow agreement"
(eleven) Dance: "little soldier"
1 Chestnut: I heard a lot of kids say the desire to grow up to be a soldier,look,that a group of little soldier looks great,they have been marching neat pace coming to us. Please enjoy the preschool children dance performances,"little soldier".
(twelve) sign language dance: "let love live in my home"
Lee: let love live in your house every day,let love live in my home everyday,put ones heart and soul into love our home. Please enjoy the preschool children sign language dance: "let love live in my home"
六一兒童節英文主持詞 5
Good evening:
Us: the warm sunshine,attractive flowers,smile of joy,excitement in the chest,joyfully sing in the grass The children,with the bell of June,we ushered in the annual "June 1" childrens day. Children is the most happy year,most looking forward to the day.
June is the season of singing;
(male) birds fly freely in the wide sky,and their songs are especially crisp and happy today;
June is the season of dandelion;
(male) flowers in the sunshine,smiling face,revealing fragrance;
June is an attractive season for green apples
June is the season of flaming pomegranate flowers
We are here to celebrate our holiday and celebrate 61
On this special day,our hearts are filled with gratitude.
(male) lets work together!
Lets forge ahead together!
Together,create a better tomorrow
(female) I declare that east liang kindergarten "61" artistic confluence - now
The future may be a little further for us,but what were learning now is all about preparing for a better future. So welcome to the class with a warm clam. "hey,my dream."
(female) : please enjoy the song and dance "little mouse" by xiao class.
(male) : thanks for the childrens heart singing,the following program should be more powerful. Lets invite the children of middle class to bring energetic "go on the gas".
(female) : after enjoying a dynamic dance,lets walk into a lotus pond with our children. Please enjoy the moonlight in the lotus pond.
(male) : I come to be a mother,I come to be a father,please appreciate small class song and dance "play house".
(female) : a year ago,they also inseparable from the mothers arms,today,they are in the clearance of the teacher,gathered the footsteps of confidence,please enjoy the dance performed by the student. "I am really good."
(male) : we are the spring of our motherland,we are the hope of the motherland,please enjoy the dance "I love Beijing 天安門"
(female) : grandpa always said that this time change is fast,even play toys are updated with technology. Please enjoy the big class dance "toy dream"
(man) : what should we do in our lives when we meet strangers? Now see GSM children bring you dance. "I dont take your bait of large end: todays children,is our army of children in our kindergarten for the last time,three years of time,let us from babble to going into primary school,have a good,have a happy,here is my childhood,my first teacher,with I grew up together,study together,a play of partners,my childhood thank with your company,please welcome of large lang recite all students graduated from the poem".
The sun of the new century is ours,
New century flowers are ours.
(man) : dream up,let her shine in the future sky.
Step on the earth,let the child fly in the spring breeze.
Thank you teachers and parents for our hard work education and training!
The time of happiness is always too short.
(female) : happy days are always in such a hurry!
(male) : east beam nursery school celebrates "61" the art of the performance to end
Finally wish everyone: good health! Happy every day!
六一兒童節英文主持詞 6
Dear parents,dear children
How do you do!
June 1 childrens day,belong to our holiday,and came to the us. Ripples in kindergarten we hear the song,will tell you,how happy we are,because we have our own festival.
Childrens songs are beautiful,childrens songs are sweet,and childrens children are happy,wish our children singing and dancing in a happy and wonderful smile,healthy growth,in this happy day,wish all the children: happy holidays!
Words cannot express passion in my heart. Let us to talk to the motherland mother with beautiful songs and dances,to the teacher,the elders of the infinite deep feeling,today our topic is: I am healthy,I am happy; The six talent show now begins!
First,please speak to li yuan.
Music can not only enrich childrens life,but also promote the development of intelligence,cultivate peoples sentiment,and the children of large class bring the chorus
We are the descendants of the dragon,the dragon brings us auspiciousness,we also came to the kindergarten today several small dragon,please enjoy the performance of small class children
I am healthy,I am happy,we are all healthy babies,watch them start doing the radio exercise again,please enjoy the group gymnastics in the middle class,< everyone to do the radio.
Next is the little class kids "mud doll Tianzhu country children also want to together with our children,see them coming,please enjoy brought large performances tianzhu girl.
Good lovely elf,they also came to our stage,please appreciate the honest childrens talent show "the Smurfs
Teacher li of the semester class also brought us "bing brother"
The oriole bird has flown in with us six times.
The shoe is broken and the hat is broken.
The children in the middle class are the most athletic,the best,and they bring back the chairs.
The children of the big class are not willing to be shown weakness,they are not convinced,to bring the people to strengthen
The joyful sound of the screw is the middle class children to bring to everyone,see how happy they are playing,
The children of the term class bring you the same blessings. Please enjoy the words "you are my roses"
I am healthy,I am happy,the childrens heart kindergarten liuyijie is finished,thank you for your parents presence and guidance,I wish you all the best in your work,and happy family!
六一兒童節英文主持詞 7
Childrens day the host string
A: distinguished leaders,teachers
B: my dear classmates,friends:
C: and in the presence of your uncle aunt grandparents
A: hello!
A: send the fragrance in May
B: in June the sun
C: our hearts as flowers in full bloom
A: a sea of joy!
A: in June,is the cradle of childhood,is the childhood dreams.
B: June,childhood,childhood sun.
C: in June,is a song,a happy song.
A: the kids set the pace of joy into the June Festival,into our own -
Together: "six one" childrens day!
A: the leaders at all levels of care and love,in all the teachers and students together to,we finally ushered in the Bridge Township Primary School the tenth Art Festival and the six one celebrations.
B: first of all,please guests seated. The following for you to attend the festival of the leaders and guests,they are: the Bridge Township Peoples government,the bridge middle school teacher Liu Shaocheng,Qinyu teachers,primary school principal Ma Shiping bridge,Zeng Nanping branch secretary,director Zhao Dengming,union chairman Chen Dexian,the bridge primary school counselor team Xiang Li teacher,crane primary school principals Ma Zeming primary school,principal Lu Guobang,Tian fan Changsha primary school principals Peng Changwan. Lets welcome them with our warm applause.
A: here is the art festival activities agenda: morning,new young pioneers ceremony,followed by arts festival. The afternoon of the first is a festival painting and calligraphy contest. Finally,on the Festival Winners recognition.
B: First: all rise,the national anthem. (all stand up,young pioneers salute! Finish).
A: Second: please,President Ma Shiping announced that the Bridge Primary School Art festival.
B: Third: Please Bridge Primary School Zhaozhuren speech.
C: Fourth: government leadership speech
A: Fifth: Please counselor representatives to Li teacher announced new young pioneers team and delivered a speech.
B: sixth: will the new young pioneers on behalf of his speech.
A: I hope every new players like to say to their own actions as flag add luster!
B: sixth: the Bridge Primary School tenth annual Arts Festival and the six one art show now!
Here,let me introduce to you as the judges. Please welcome. They are the bridge middle school teacher Liu Shaocheng,Qinyu teachers,primary school principal Ma Shiping,once the head teacher.
Student 1: even though we are only a seedling,but we are proud to live in their parents arms.
Student 2: Although we are just a little star,but we are happy to shine in the teachers side.
3,today our red scarf particularly bright,our clothes very beautiful campus everywhere,flowers open
A: in this beautiful season,let us grateful to say:
A: Thank you,mom and dad! (bow) thank you,hard teacher! (bow)
Student 1: today we gather together,let us sing the respect for you sing!
2,today in this happy day,we gathered to share this wonderful time here.
Student 3: lets dance out our hearts lofty ideals!
One,please enjoy the dance,to prepare for class four one.
Two,to celebrate the six one "4.1 poems"
Student 4: send the golden May,we ushered in the "six one" childrens day. This is a grand festival of children! Days in the sunshine,at this exciting moment,let us open our arms,to express our feelings. Please enjoy the fourth grade primary school class bridge brought us to recite the poem "to celebrate the six one" Changsha primary school,please get ready.
Festival three,Changsha dance "happy"
B: today,we especially bright red scarf,our clothes very beautiful,todays campus flowers open everywhere. With the fragrance of flowers,let us sing,please enjoy the festival Changsha primary school to bring us the dance "happy". Please prepare a first grade class bridge.
Four,1.1 dance "baby love"
A: feeding their parents love,we happy growth; in the teachers meticulous care,we are happy to fly. Please enjoy the dance class bridge first grade "baby love",
Five,"spring" crane program
B: a few clear of birds,woke up drunk sleep in winter the earth; Liu Ya broke cold package,germinating; petals open shy heart,blooming; let us in a prelude to spring a jump. Please enjoy the crane primary school brings us a dance "spring".
Six,6.2 dance "my darling"
A: the jumping notes,playing the vitality of youth,dynamic dance show the charm of youth. Please enjoy the dance,"my darling". (6.2 class dance "my darling")
Seven primary school,Tian fan dance "sun"
B: you know what kind of melon melon,eat,but you have never heard of a sun! Please enjoy the following Tianfan primary school brings us dance "sun".
Eight,preschool dance "Alishan girl"
A: the mountain water Shanmei beauty more beautiful,as the song,the girl beautiful Bridge Township,such as water,Bridge Township youth as strong as the mountain. Please enjoy the preschool children bring us a dance "Alishan girl"
Nine,4.2 dance "Jingle Bells"
B: happy childrens day,we revel in the singing,listening,jingle bells,our pleasure; see,the sound of gongs and drums sounded,we dance more beautiful. Please enjoy the dance "jingle bells".
Ten,kindergarten class fashion show
B: T stage has brought us countless beauty and surprise,to the display of our youth and vitality. Here is no T shape stage,but with a group of the most respect for the Post dedicated models. Please have the models are small we bridge! (kindergarten class fashion show)