1.看見; 觀看, 參見, 看得見, 看, 有視力
I looked around, but saw nobody. 我環視了一下四周, 但沒有看見任何人。
2.領會, 理解
I see, you are on leave. 我明白了, 你是在休假。
Can you see my point? 你能明白我的觀點嗎?
3.考慮; 想想
Let me see, what date are they leaving? 讓我想想, 他們計劃什么時候動身?
I don't see it good to tell you all my plans. 我認為把我的計劃都告訴你是不合適的。
4.訪問; 會見, 遇見, 碰到, 邂逅
I’m seeing a wonderful guy lately. 我最近和一個優秀的男士在約會。
It’s very nice having met you here, see you later. 很高興在這兒遇見你, 再見.
5. .搞清楚,查明
Go to see for yourself! 你自己查查去!
What do you see in her? 你看中她什么了?
see after照顧
Please see after the children while I'm gone. 我不在家時請照看一下孩子們。
see somebody off: 為(某人)送行
I’ll see you off at the airport tomorrow morning. 明天早晨我去機場為你們送行。
see through …識破:理解…的真正特點或特性
I saw through you. 我看透你了.
We saw through his superficial charm. 我們很清楚他的表面功夫。
see to 照料
See to the chores, will you? 整理下家務,好嗎?
Wait and see: 觀望, 等等看, 等著瞧!
We’d better wait and see. 我們最好看看再說。
we'll see about that :[用于憤怒批駁、挑戰]咱們走著瞧