記敘文通常以記敘和描寫為主,是以記人敘事為主要內容的一種文體,敘述人們的經歷或事物發展變化過程的一種表達方式。它的基本特點就是陳述過程。 寫記敘文時,應注意交待清楚時間(when)、地點(where)、人物(who),然后再進一步敘述事件(what)、原因(why)和結果(how)。記敘文應以記敘為主,可適當發表見解、議論和抒情,但不可過多。我們在寫作的過程中都應將其敘述清楚。在寫作時,時間、地點、人物等要素一般在提示中或圖片中會給出, 有時也可能會出現有關要素不確定的情況。如果所給的時間不清楚,我們可用較為含糊的時間。
以"A Bright Boy"為題, 記述司馬光砸缸的故事。
提示:花園里有許多缸(vats)。 一群孩子在玩耍。突然一個孩子不小心掉進缸里,除了8歲的司馬光外,其他的孩子都跑開了。司馬光急中生智,用石頭擊破了缸,把那個孩子救了出來。
A Bright Boy
This happened in a garden long ago. There were many water vats in the garden. A group of boys were playing there. They played happily. Suddenly a boy fell into a vat.
All the boys ran away except a small one. His name was Sima Guang. He was eight years old. He thought he should help the boy. But he was too small and the vat was too large. Then he had a good idea. He hurried towards the large vat, and broke it with a big stone. The water came out of the vat at once. Finaly, the boy was saved.