General aims and demands:
Knowledge and Skills:
1. Revise and consolidate vocabulary related to charity events.
2. Develop an understanding of compound nouns.
3. Use “It is + adjective + that” to say how one feels about something.
4. Use “It is + adjective + to infinitive” to describe actions and situations.
5. Use “It is + adjective + for … to infinitive” to specify the person one is talking about.
6. Give advice and tips.
7. Give detailed instructions and information.
Procession and method:
1. Listen for general information about a charity walk.
2. Focus on general meaning by identifying specific details in a list of notes.
3. Ask for advice, give advice and make suggestions.
4. Check understanding by completing a conversation.
5. Describe specific details about an event.
6. Organize language and information to create a web page.
Emotion, attitude and sense of valuation:
In this unit students learn about participating in charity events and hoe they can support events like Oxfam Trailwalker.
The first period
Welcome to this Unit
Main points:
1.To revise the charities and the ways to raise money / elicit a new way to collect money and arouse students’ interest in charity: charity walk
2.To introduce different kinds of needs and disabilities;
3.To introduce students to talk about how they can help those in need.
I’m training for a charity walk.
I don’t think you will ever finish your walk.
What about homeless people?
Teaching Methods:
Listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating
1.Review some Chinese and international charities. Ask Ss about their favourite charities.
2.Lead-in: Remind Ss of the ways of raising money they have learned and guess Hobo’s way. Then teacher presents the new phrase “charity walk” and new word “trailwalker”, then explain them.
3.Comic strip:
①Play the tape and Ss listen to it to get the main idea.
②Ss read after the recording for the second time.
③Ask some questions about the conversation.
④Ss read it in pairs and act it out.
⑤What should people take with them on the charity walk? Discuss and take down notes.
4.Welcome to the unit:
①Ask which people need help. Teacher presents new vocabulary.
②Ss label the pictures in Part A using the words from the box and tell which people they have helped.
③Remind Ss that some people with difficulties also try their best to lead a meaningful life. Show them some pictures.
5. A conversation in Part B:
①Ss read the conversation
②Group work: How to help: deaf people
disabled people
elderly people
homeless people
6. Complete ‘Welcome to the unit’ in class.
Recite the conversation in the comic/ preview Reading (1)
The second period
Reading (I)
Main points:
1.To understand related details and information
2. To infer general meaning from pictures, title and context.
3. To identify specific meaning in different contexts.
①has been one of…
②fund-raising: adj.+n.
③group: v. group sth. into…:把…歸類
④tough: = difficult
⑤finish: finish sth/ doing sth.
Teaching Methods:
Listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating
1.Background: Oxfam Trailwalker is an annual fund-raising charity organized by Oxfam Hong Kong. The route is the 100-kelometre Maclehose Trail, which runs from east to west through eight country parks. The route has to be completed within 48 hours. There are four participants in each team, who are required to plan, support and help each other before and during the challenge. Each team is expected to raise at lease HK$6000 from sponsorships. The funds are used to help poor people, development projects and relief programmes.
Reading A: Oxfam Trailwalker (Para1-2)
2.Lead-in: Ask Ss if they have ever seen F1 on TV or somewhere else.
3.Ask Ss whether they enjoy walking through Country Park and what their feelings are.
4. Ss listen to the recording for the two paragraphs for the first time and then read them after the tape again.
5. Ask and answer to check understanding:
①What is one of Hong Kong’s biggest fund-raising events?(Oxfam Trailwalker)
②When did Oxfam Trailwalker started?(In 1981)
③Who is helped by the money that is raised?(Poor people in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia and Africa)
④When is Oxfam Trailwalker held?(In November every year)
⑤Who can join Oxfam Trailwalker?(People over 18)
⑥Is Oxfam Trailwalker a tough hike? Why or why not?(Because you have to finish walking a 100-kilometre trail within 48 hours)
⑦What does it mean?(It means you may have to walk two days and nights without sleep)
6.Language points:
①has been one of…
Oxfam Trailwalker has been one of the biggest fund-raising events.
②fund-raising: adj.+n.
They are going to hold a fund-raising Christmas sale to help the earthquake victims.
③group: v. group sth. into…:把…歸類
They can group themselves into a team of four people.
④tough: = difficult
Oxfam Trailwalker is a tough hike.
⑤finish: finish sth/ doing sth.
Finish (doing) the job within two hours.
Recite paragraphs/ Preview Reading (2)
The third period
Reading (II)
Main points:
1.To identify specific meaning in different contexts.
2.To check understanding by completing a conversation.
3.To exchange feelings about the sort of event.
①It is +adj.+(for sb.) to do sth.
②It is + adj. +that 從句
③It is +n.+ for sb to do sth
④plan+ 從句(what/ when/ how, etc)/ plan to do
Teaching Methods:
Listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating
1.True or false according to the first two paragraphs.
①Oxfam Trailwalker has been one of the biggest sports meeting in Hong Kong.
②It is an event for more than 30 years.
③Oxfam Trailwalker rasie money for helping disabled people in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia and Africa.
④Oxfam Trailwalker is held in September every year.
⑤Oxfam Trailwalker is a tough hike to finish a 150-kilometre trail within 72 hours.
⑥The trailwalkers have to walk through 8 country parks and over 20 hills and mountains.
2.Listen to the tape and read after the recording.
3. Ask and answer to check comprehension:
①Why is it an excellent chance for people?
②Why do members have to plan everything together before the event and walk together to finish the line?
③What people have to do before and during the event?
④Do you need to carry everything with you?
⑤What does a support team do?
⑥How much money must every team raise?
⑦What is the raised money used for?
⑧Is the walk easy?
⑨What do you have to do before the charity walk?
⑩What will you get if you take part in a charity walk?
4.Language points:
①It is +adj.+(for sb.) to do sth.
It is necessary for them to support each other.
②It is + adj. +that 從句
It is necessary that you start training a few months before the walk.
③It is +n.+ for sb to do sth
It is an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit.
(It is hard work for students to learn English well in two years.)
④plan+ 從句(what/ when/ how, etc)/ plan to do
You should plan what you are going to carry.
You should plan when you go there.
You should plan how the support team bring the food.
Recite the paragraphs / complete the preview
The fourth period
Reading (III)
Main points:
1.To summarize the passage according to comprehension
2.To consolidate the uses of words and phrases
3.To develop an understanding of compound nouns
4. To guess the meanings of compounds and create nouns using prompts
①It is + adj.+ for sb. to do sth
②It is + that clause
③It is + n. +for sb to do sth
④plan sth. / to do sth. / what(how/when etc)clause
⑤help each other
⑥do… with / without sth. / doing sth
Teaching Methods:
Listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating
1.Revision: True or false according to the left three paragraphs
①It is an excellent chance for people to make new friends.
②All the team members don’t have to plan everything together because of the support team.
③When Any member of a team finishes the hike, the time is recorded.
④You should plan what you are going to carry during the walk.
⑤Dry and warm clothes are not necessary during the walk.
⑥The money raised is to support development projects.
⑦Because the hike is tough, you have to train a few months before the walk.
⑧It will be an experience that you will never remember.
2.Ask Ss to summarize the main idea of each paragraph and then exchange in class:
①What is a Trailwalker?
②Oxfam Trailwalker is a long, difficult walk.
③Team spirit and support
④Support teams
⑤Fitness and training
3.Review the useful expressions and make up new sentences by using them.
①It is + adj.+ for sb. to do sth
②It is + that clause
③It is + n. +for sb to do sth
④plan sth. / to do sth. / what(how/when etc)clause
⑤help each other
⑥do… with / without sth. / doing sth
Part B: Being an Oxfam Trailwalker
4.Ask students to match the words with the meanings in Part B1. All students complete it on their own.
5.Explain the context and instructions for Part B2. Tell students to find a word or words in the reading passage on P 94-95 to replace each word or phrase.
6.Ask two volunteers to read out the conversation, replacing the underlined words with the correct words/phrases from the reading passage.
Ss check their own answers.
Part C: Joining Oxfam Trailwalker
7.Tell students to read the headings in Part C1. Explain that each heading corresponds to a paragraph of the article on P 94-95.
8.Read out the headings and ask students to call out the paragraph numbers.
9.Explain the context of Part C2 and ask students to go over the reading passage again to complete the conversation.
10.Read out Lily’s question and choose volunteers to give Ben’s answers. Then the whole class read it together again.
Vocabulary: Creating new words
11.Write some compound words that students are familiar with on the board, e.g., (homework/armchair/football/bedroom). Explain that these words are formed by putting two smaller words together. Draw a line between the two parts of each words so students can see the two individual words clearly.
12.Look at the pictures and compound new words.
13.Ask students to complete the exercise by combing the words in Part A1
14.Ask students to read out their words and check their own answers.
15.Some volunteers list the compounds on the blackboard for a competition.
16.Tell students to look at the pictures in the speech bubbles in Part B and they can find the ones in the blanks in Part A.
Recite the paragraphs of the reading passage/
Preview grammar/Find out the “It is…”structure in the reading
The fifth period
Main points:
1.To develop an understanding of compound nouns
2.To guess the meanings of compounds and create nouns using prompts.
1.To develop understanding of compounds nouns.
2.To guess the meanings of compound nouns and create nouns using prompts.
Teaching Methods:
Listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating
1.Having a dictation fitness, aim, aid, teenager, perfect, mobile phone, vet, vest
2. Presentation
Write some compound words that students are familiar with on the board, e.g., ‘homework’, ‘football’, ‘something’, etc. Explain that putting two smaller words together forms these words. Draw a line between the two parts of each word so students can clearly see the two individual words.
3. Part A
①Ask Ss to complete the exercises by combining the words in Part A. Remind them that they will have to use hyphens in some cases. Allow them to use a dictionary to check their work if necessary.
②Ask students to read out their words and put these words into Chinese. Write the words on the board so students can check their answers.
4.Part B
①Tell Ss to look at the pictures in the speech bubbles in Part B. Explain that each picture represents half of a compound noun. Tell students that all the words can be found in the blanks in Part A.
②Ask students to complete the speech bubbles in Part B using the pictures to help them choose the words.
③Ask four students to read out the four speech bubbles. Write the answers on the board or students to check their own answers.
Workbook page84 A and B
The sixth and seventh periods
Main points:
1.To use‘It is + adjective + ‘that’ to say how one feels about sth
2.To use ‘It is’ + adjective + ‘to’-infinitive to describe actions and situations
3.To use ‘It is’ + adjective + ‘for sb’ + ‘to’-infinitive to specify the person one is talking about.
1.It is +adj.+that clause
2.It is +adj+to do sth.
3.It is + adj+ for sb+ to do sth.
Teaching Methods:
Listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating
Step 1 Part A
1.Tell Ss that we use the ‘it is’ + adjective + ‘that’ structure to say how we feel about something.
2.Ask two students to read the two sentences in the grammar table at the top of page 99. Encourage them to ask questions if they are unsure of the meaning.
3.Ask students to complete the exercises on their own. Students have to rearrange the words to make sentences.
4.Ask four students to read out one sentence each. Check for word order and correct pronunciation.
5.Make some sentences using the adjectives and the given phrases.
1) We can walk 100 kilometers in 48 hours.(possible)
2) There are so many different trees in the country parks (interesting)
3) There was snow on one of he mountains.(surprising)
4) Each team must raise at least HK$6000.(important)
5) So many people want to help others in need.(nice)
Step 2 Part B
1.Explain that the ‘It is’ adjective +’to’-infinitive structure is similar to the structure students learned in Part A except that here, the adjective describes an action or activity.
2.Ask two students to read the two sentences in the grammar table at the top of page 100. Encourage Ss to ask questions if hey are unsure of the meaning.
3.Check that Ss have understood the structure.
4.Explain the context of the exercises. Ss are telling Amy how she can make a useful contribution to society. Tell them to make sentences using the words in brackets and the verbs from the box.
5.Ask five students to read out one sentence each. Write he sentences on the Bb and ask students to check their own work.
6.Make sentences using the given structure.
It is difficult to ---
It is easy to ---
It is exciting to ---
It is necessary to ---
Step 3 Part C
1.Explain that the structure in Part C is the same as the structure in Part B except htat we insert ‘for sb’ between the adjective and the ‘to’-infinitive to indicate who we are talking about.
2.Ask three students to read the sentences in the grammar table at the top of page 101. Encourage Ss to ask questions if they are unsure of the meaning.
3.Check that students have understood the structure.
4.Explain the context of the exercises. Tell them to complete the conversation using he words from the box.
5.Make sentences using the given words
1) People should not go hiking alone.(dangerous)
2) Ben’s team can raise over HK$6000 for charity.(possible)
3) You can get very hot on the hike.(important/take lots of water)
Step 4 Exercises
Unit 6 Grammar
Step 5 Homework:
1.Finish the exercises
2.Workbook page86 A2, page88 C1, page90 D2
The eighth period
Integrated skills
Main points:
1.To listen for general information about a charity walk
2.To focus on general meaning by identifying specific details in a list of notes
3.To understand the information presented and to complete a letter based on the information from a radio programme
4.To give advice and make suggestions and respond to detailed information and advice
To complete a letter based on the information from a radio programme
To respond to detailed information and advice
Teaching Methods:
Listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating
Part A: A charity walk
From the former reading passage, we know that trailwalkers have to walk through 8 country parks and over 20 hills and mountains. Among of them there is a South Hill for them to cover.
1.Explain the context. The students are organizing a charity walk. Ask students to read the information and answer the following questions to check their understanding.
①Where is the South Hill?
②What is the height of the hill?
③What can people do there?
2.Listen to the tape for the first time to get the main idea.
3.Listen to the tape for the second time and fill in the blanks after the tape.
4.Ask students to read out their answers to check.
5.Tell students to read the letter in Part A3 to find the information to complete the passage.
Part B: Speak up: tips for joining a charity walk
Trailwalkers have to plan everything together and it is necessary to carry everything with them. Can you give suggestions when Amy has a charity walk?
6.Students give out their own suggestions when they have a charity walk.
7.Explain the context of Part B. Students talk about what to take on a charity walk and what they should pay attention to.
8.Ss listen to the tape for the first time to get its main idea and repeat what they have heard when they listen to it for the second time.
9.Divide the class into pairs. Ask students to role-play the conversation.
10.Ask students to prepare their own conversation about going on a charity walk. Explain that one students should ask questions and the other one should give advice and suggestions.
Prepare “Main task” and complete the preview paper.
The ninth and tenth periods
Pronunciation & Main task
Main points:
1.To recognize the difference between the /w/ sound and the /v/ sound and pronounce them correctly
2.To complete a flow chart and a web page article about a charity event.
3.To order ideas using a flow chart.
4.To describe specific details about an event and organize language and information to create a web page.
1.To recognize the difference between the /w/ sound and the /v/ sound and pronounce them correctly
2.To describe specific details about an event and organize language and information to create a web page.
Teaching Methods:
Listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating
Part A: /w/ and /v/
1.Write the /w/ and /v/ on the blackboard and tell students to listen as the teacher pronounces.
2. Explain that when they make the /w/ sound, they push their lips forward and make your mouth round.
①Ask some students to read the words in Part A.
②And then play the recording, making sure they pronounce it correctly in each one.
3.Explain that when they make the /v/ sound, make sure that their top teeth touch your bottom lip. Remember to use their voice too.
①Ask some students to read the words in Part B.
②And then play the recording, making sure they pronounce it correctly in each one.
4.Tell students that in Part C, they will hear both the two sounds. Ask them to look at them and pronounce first, then play the recording and ask the students to repeat the words.
5.Play the recording for Part D and tell students to follow along in their books. Divide the class to practise saying the sentences.
Part B: Main task
6.In this section students need to create a web page about a charity event. They are encouraged to use the given flow chart and model to develop their own ideas.
7. Ask and answer according to the flow chart:
①What is the event called?
②When will it be held?
③Why is it held?
④Where will it be?
⑤Who can join the walk?
⑥How can people apply to join the walk?
⑦How long is the walk?
⑧Which charity is being supported?
8.Explain the context of the Main task. Tell students to look at Part A.
9.Ask students to read through the web page in Part B. Tell them that they can find the information they need to complete it from the flow chart on P105.
10.Ask students to complete the web page on their own.
11.Ask six students to read out one completed paragraph each. Tell students to check their answers.
Part C: Writing practical
12.Divide the class into pairs. Explain the context of Part C. Students is working together to create their own web page organizing. Tell them to begin by producing a flow chart in order to organize their ideas. They can plan any type of charity event they like, such as a fun fair, charity show, bicycle ride, etc.
13.Tell students to talk about which charity they want to support and why. Then brainstorm the key information that they should include in their own flow charts, e.g.:
①the name of the event
②what type of event it is
③when it will be held
④why it is held
⑤where will it be held
⑥who is organizing the event
⑦who can participate…
14.Tell students to complete their own flow charts and present in class.
15.When students have finished their flow charts, tell them to use the information in the flow charts to design web pages according to the model on P106.
16.When the web page designs are completed, ask several students to present them to the class for comment.
Complete exercises on P107/ summarize the key points of Unit 6.